CHEERLEADERS Cheerleaders strive for more enthusiastic spirit Seven cflcrgct ie college WOl11ell and a prcclOus littl e ma scot und ertook t he form idabl e task of creating ann maintaining a high peak of sc hool spirit durin g the yea r . They used posters. pcp ral · li('s~ prc-game sO llvenirs and individual prOlTIotion to encourage stuci(,llt s and alh1('t('s alikC' throug'h I larding's athletic e ndeavors. Concentrating mainl y on football and nasketbalL they ex tenderl th ei r influcnce in every sport. Tlw Bison Boosters and Bi sonettes lent support as well. Tang ihle henefit s showed up in increased participa - tion by those in the "tands and nlorc spirited play hy those on the field . Their major sp irit -building activity centered around the weekly pep rallies during football and baske tball season . Ilelp from various men 's socia l clubs added color and laugh s to the meetings. Junior I3rcnrin Nccdham sC' rvcd as head cheerleader. Others who re pealed as Bi son chee rleaders were sC' lIiors Riln Townsc nrL .Jud y Coffman and Thada Dean. and jllnior Chefyl Penix. Newcomers were sophomores Irf'l1c CUI-tis and Mary Smith. Littlest member of the chcering squad thi s year was thrce-ycar-olrl Lori Bailry. rlaug-hter of sponsor Kar,,1 Bailf'v . UNBOUNDED energy characterizes Hard ing 's cheerleaders, leaping in the air at the conclusion of each organized cheer. CHEERERS. Cheryl Penix, Thada Dean , Mary Smith, Lori Bailey, Brenda Needham, Irene Curtis , Rita Townsend, Judy Coffman,