1967-1968 Yearbook

ENTHUSIASM for their club and school is shown as all Zeta Rho members morch in the '67 Homecominq parade to boost Bisons. ZETA RHO Club Beau Lynda l Dale OFFICERS. Beverly Holeman, Pres.; laDenna lester, Vice-Pres.; Becky Smelser, Sec.: linda Fortner, Treos.; Mrs. Raymond Muncy, Sponsor. Zeta Rho weeds onions from lawn; helps needy Seeking ever to serve the school, Zeta Rho chose as their service project to beautify the Harding lawn by pulling green onions from it two Saturdays. For their benevolent project, they chose to hrlp a needy fam ily in Searcy. Stepping into an oriental garden April 20, Zeta Rho's and dates imagined themselves to be in the Far Eas t when in reality they were at Kelley 's in Newport a ttending the formal banquet. Besides lETA RHO. TOP ROW, Arnell, Beck, Block, Brock, Dole, Deckord , Essne r, Fincher. SECOND ROW: Fortner, Frederick, Gambrell, Giddens, Goetz, Jackson, Karr, l ester. THIRD ROW: :little;ohn, a spring outing, the club held a third function in December at which time couples came dressed as little kids and played children's games. In the Homecoming parade, the Zeta Rho entry placed second. Club members marched along side their car bedecked with a Zeta Rho star. Zeta Rho teams gallantly entered volleyball, basketball, and softball contests coached by club beau Lyndal Dale. Mahaffy, Meeker, Miller, Paxson, Phillips, Scroggin, Sears. FOURTH ROW: Shanks, Sherrodin, Sherer, Smelser, Smithson, Stone, Vaughn, Wade, Wehunt.