Club Beau Da .... id Litzkow OFFICERS. Cindy Watts, Pres.; Barbaro Johnson, Vice-Pres.; Dinah Chisum, Sec.·Treas.; Mrs. Carl Allison and Miss Winnie Bell, Sponsors. lETA PHI lETA CLUB beau David litzkow combines coaching ability with compassion as he leads the Zeta Phi's to volleyball victories. Zeta Phi sets romantic atmosphere at Eden Isle Beneath "Moonlight and Mistletoe" Zeta Phi Zeta staged a pre-Christmas banquet at the Red Apple Inn on December 8. The clear, star-filled sky and appropriately placed mistletoe created a romantic mood for club members amI their nates. A Sadie Hawkins day party providen Zeta Phi 's a chance to display unique costumes and share a moment in Dogpatch with their favorite date. Petit Jean mountain was the site of the club's outinl!; in ZETA PH t ZETA. TOP ROW, Miss Sell (sponsor!. Adoms, Sell, Bielby, Bright, Burkett, Chisum, Coleman. SECOND ROW: Day, Galyon, Gardner, Henley, Hill, Holland, Huckabee, Jones. the sprinl!;. Several bunkinl!; parties throul!;hout the year s~rved to draw the club closer tOl!;ether. A Christmas party offered the girls a chance to exchanl!;e gifts and sinl!; favorite carols. David Litzkow served the Zeta Phi's as beau. He was honored at the banquet and also was presented a gift at that time. Zeta Phi also participated in the dolly drive. THIRD ROW: Kolberg, laschinski, lawrence, lewers, Little, luttrell, Manning, Morgan, Murry. FOURTH ROW: Norwood, Pangle, Pearce, Reed. Sanqer, Simmons, Sims Wc':ts. Writ