1967-1968 Yearbook

ALTHOUGH WHC depicts a funeral scene with their winning Homecoming cor, the day proves to be morbid only for Millsaps. WHC Club Beau Do le Turner OFFICERS. Jeanne Cain, Pres.; l ynette White, Vice-Pres.; Betty Tall ey, Sec.; Mary Alice Smith, Treas.; Mrs. Billy Roy Cox and Mrs. Floyd Daniel, Sponsors. WHC hearse wins first in Homecoming parade Lols of hay, long dr~ss~s and Soulh ~rJ1 fri~rI ch ick~n set th e atmosphere for \Vll e's third f,,"c - ti on - a ((country supper" a t th e Leg- ion Il lItin Searcy on December 9. Th ~ gi rl s s~nt r~al aprl~ pi es to their dates as invitation s. WII C began thei r 41 st yea r as th~ oldest wom~n's social club by decorating a first place ca r in th e homecom ing parade. Pledge we~k was a rough pe riod for th~ pl ~d g~s_ hut ('\·C'll rOllgh initi a tion in th e rain endrrl wC'll wit h a hunkin p; party at th e i1omC' of spon so r Mrs. Billv Ray Cox. Th~ banquet was held a t fhe Coac hman 's Inn WHC_ TOP ROW: Betts, Brookman , Buckner, Cain, Cobb, Connell, Crofton, Edster . SECOND ROW: Green, Grogan, Hayhurst, Henderson, Hendrix, Hunt, Kimbro , lee. THIRD ROW: l yles, in Little Rock. Each ~ irl had writtell n (-Pf'ari of VVi sdom " for her date~ which se rved as the pla ce carcl. Seas h ~ l1 s and pa s t ~ 1 f1o\\'~rs s~ l"\wl as a lovd)' sett ing. ann mus ic \\'as provi ded h.y D on Col f'll1an_ H a r vey Rhod~s and .fod Da vis. Olher activilirs for th e' veal' included bo\\'lin~ ill Iilr women's lragllC' <llld senoing- boxes 10 ho.vs in Vietnam. Da le T"rner, club brall, h elp~d th ~ p;il' ls 11\' coac hing th e- m in s porl s_ nlld C's r)(>cia ll y hy h f' lpill .n; decorate for act iv iti es. Il is C' ntllllSiaslTl for the cllIh wa s 1l1ost encouraging. McKinney, Nichol s, Nye, Peden, I. Perry, J. Perry, Reed. FOURTH ROW: Rawdon, Smith, Springer, St ites, Talley, Timmerman. White,