THE NEil B. COPE FAMilY: BACK ROW: Ken , Myra , Nancy and Rabert. FRONT ROW: Neil and Flossie . Neil B. Cope was born at Benton, Kentucky, on March 4,1914. After graduating from Be!'ton High School, he enrolled for one year in Murray State Teachers College before transferring to I-larding. He graduated from Harding College in the spring of 1934 with a major in English. In college he participated in debating, student publications and intercollegiate tennis. After completing the M.A. degree at Louisiana State University and teaching high school for one year, he joined the faculty of Harding College in the fall of 1936. I-Ie is currently working on a history of the Memphis Commercial Appeal for his dissertation for the Ph.D. degree in journalism from the University of Missouri. During World "Var II he served several months in the army. He married Flossie Harwell, his college sweetheart, and their four children are also alumni of Harding. CHECKING the Omega enlarger, Professor Cope directs the student usage of the Journalism Department darkroom. 15