1967-1968 Yearbook

BENEATH the American flog Phi Deltas stage a chapel program entit led "This is America" depicting our land in lively song. PHI DELTA Club Beau Bruce Logue OFFICERS. Marilyn Krape . Pres .; Karyn Kendrick, Vice-Pres.; Gunilda Ensminger, Sec. ; Ida Voorhees , Treas.; Mrs. Alan Isom, Sponsor. Phi Deltas go back to good ole days at pa rty "Back to the good ole days" was the cry of Phi Deltas as they and the ir dates flocked to the Legion lIut December 11, fOl' an "Old-Fashioned Christmas." Deco rat ing a tree highlighted the event. In a fa ll chapel program, club members pa id a trihute to freedom. Colorful songs and mus ic were provided by the girls who were dressed in the patrioti c red, white and blue. Club beau Bruce Logue coached and supported PHI DELTA.. TOP ROW: Bennett, Bomar, Chronister, Cooper, Dunn , En sm ln~er, Fenley, Frazier. SECOND ROW: Haley, Henry, Jones , Kendrick, Kelton, Kincade, Krape, Low, Packard. THI RD Phi Deltas. and often enjoyed baked delicacies. New additions to the club were the Knights as a brother club and Mr. Niswander, the nightwatchman, as honorary dub beau, who was presented with a birthday cake in March. April 13 was not a lost cause as Phi Deltas found themselves on Lost Island in Little Rock. The Polynesian theme of the hanquet was completed by entertainment from Steve and Jerry. ROW; Porris, Patton, Platt, Porter, Pruitt, Roberts, Robinson, Rolen, Rouse, FOURTH ROW; Sand ley, Saunders, Spice, Staggs, Tarpley, Taylor, Voorhees, Willis, Worth.