SMilES flash as Los Companeras remember the fun of past activities and plan for the future d ur i n~ a lull a t the club tea . LAS COMPANERAS Club Beau Richard Runions OFFICERS. Celia Mauck, Pres.; Susan Sandh, Vice-Pres.; Malissa May, Sec.; Judy Miller, Treas.; Mrs. Nyal Royce, Sponsor. Cartoon celebrities visit at Le's third function L1S Companeras club beau, Ri chard Runions, plaved jolly old Saint Nick to " hi s girls" a t the rluh\ Chri stmas party wher e the tradi t iona l stockings were exchanged . In appreciat ion for Ri chard 's gift of r ed ca rn ati()n ~ to each g irl, th e club gave hinl a surprise 22ml hir thd ay party. A" Frank Sinatra softly crooned "Strangers in the Night ," cl ub members and dates arri ved a t th e LAS COMPANERAS. TOP ROW: Alexander, Baker, Beeler, Bryant, Bucchi , But ler, Cargill. SECOND ROW: Cleve land, Cooper, Elmer, Ewing, Forrest, Frazier, Gipson. THIRD ROW: Ham, Harri - Red Apple Inn Februa r y 24 to d ine. Entert a inment for the ba nquet was provid ed hI' Steve and Jerry. December 9 couples a r r ived a t club spon sor Mrs. Royse1s home drcsscd as ca rtoon chara cters. Tbose celebri ties who a tt ended ranged from Dagwood and fIlond ie to Lil Abn er and Da isy Ma e. Amid th e greene ry of s prin g~ Las Companeras held the ir outing. son, Johns, Kennemore, Mauck, May, Meeker. FOURTH ROW: M il ler, Ohlander, Pickett, Rongey, Sandh, Scudder, R. Wa lker, s. Wotker.