1967-1968 Yearbook

KO JO KAI. TOP ROW: Mrs. Tucker (sponsor), Banks, Bi shop, Chamblee, Chapman, Cornell, Craig, Cruce, Dillin. SECOND ROW: Drummond, Estes, Farley, Greene, Hall , Hom, Holder, Meford, Miller. THIRD ROW: Mobley, Parks, Peppers, Phillips, KO JO KAI Powers, Priddy, Prince , Pringle, Puckett. FOURTH ROW: Reasons, Remund , Robinette, Rogers, Smi th , Tr ickey , Weaver, Westerman, White, Youn!=J. Kojies ride canoes, climb bluff-tops at T akodah Ca noe rides. an outdoor gym and hikes to to p of the hluff overlooking th e vallcy were only part of th e fare offered Ko .10 Kai's and tlwir dates in October at an outing to Camp Tahkodah. Crimson and gold l eaves accented by a blue sky provided a picturesque ba ckdrop for the fun and merriment. As "Love is Blue" played so ftly, Koj ies and their escorts enjoyed a three·course dinner March 9. The setting was the Red Apple Inn at H eber Springs and the entertainment was a program of OFFICERS. Noncy Hom, Pres.; Mary Anne Bi shop, Vice-Pres.; Margaret Mobley, Sec.; Karen Westerman, Treas.; M rs. Bu ford Tucker and Mrs. Wilt Martin, Sponsors. Club Beau Phil Roberson 162 guitar and song by Joe Moore and Jimmy Ross. In return for club bea u Phil Roberson 's thoughtfuln ess and aid in club SpOl·t compet ition, thc Kojics trea tcd him often to coke datcs and r emembered him on Valcntine's Day and hi s birthday. Mrs. Ermal Tucker, club sponsor, hosted a bunking party at the first of the yea r for old members and entertained thc entire club at a Christmas party in her home. RIDING high in Homecoming Parade, Kojies predict the 24-7 "dis.charge" that came over the Millsaps Maiors that afternoon.