KAPPA PHI. TOP ROW: Mrs. Bornes {sponsor}, Allen, All ison, Austin, Barrett , Beavers, Bowlby, D. Cheek, l. Cheek. SECOND ROW· Chester , Cole, Cook, Dailey, Elmore, Flinn, Greenway, KAPPA PHI Holloway, Holt. THIRD ROW: Jackson, Jones, lone, lenderman, leckliter, McAllister, McNabb, Mor!=lan , Mueller . FOURTH ROW: Nagel, Pummill, Roger s, Sells, Smith, Stewart, Watts, Whotley. Kappa Phi captures inter-club volleyball crown The Kappa Phi social club started the 1967-68 year with the selection of the new club beau, Sam Hester. At the first meeting following his selection, Sam presented the girls with a cake which he had labored to bake. The Kappa Phi girls swept the series of volleyball games among social clubs to take first place and placed second in major league basketball. Their "Buttons and Bows" banquet at the CLUB spirit and loyalty mean a great deal to members of Kappa Phi as they give the club yell during a time-out in the !=lame. Ramada Inn in Jacksonville featured Kay Gowen and Rick Smith as entertainers and Rod Brewer as guest speaker. Rough and formal initiations, a Christmas party, and various meetings were held at the homes of the sponsors, Mrs. Ted Altman, who is now serving for her fourth year, and Mrs. Jerome Barnes, who was elected and began h elping to sponsor the club early this year. OFFICERS. Kay Gowen, Pres.; lynn Allison, Vice-Pres.; Emile Beavers, Sec.; Sue Nagel, Treas.; Mrs. Ted Altmon and Mrs. Jerome Barnes, Sponsors. Club Beau Sam Hester 161