1967-1968 Yearbook

Club Beaux Ron Ki llen and Dick Wa lker OFFICERS. Ma rcia Ma rk s, Pres .; Judy Parsons, Vice-Pres.; Glor ia Page, Sec.-Treas.; M rs. Cliff Sharp, Sponsor. JU GO JU CROWDING Ju Go Ju couples into a haywagon was the start of an eveh ing of chili eating, bonfire building and folksinging. 'Cutie Pies' put 10 on honor roll, take top trophy Spending an evening by a roaring bonfire, rambling through a haunted house, co rraling the details of May Fete and r e tiring the girl s' academic trophy are all characteri sti c of thi s year 's edition of Ju Go Ju social club . Bee Rock and Wyldewood provided a backdrop for a bonfire built by club beaux Ronni e Killen and Dick Walker for the third fun ction . Pledge wee k brought ups and downs, as mal e pledges were instructed to grab the purple velvet garter s from the "cutie pi e" pledges. Rough initiaJU GO JU. TOP ROW: Barnes, Bennett , Camp, Chesshir, D. Dooley, R. Dooley , Draney, Evans, Fa rmer. SECOND ROW: J. Freeman, P. Freemon, Furgeson, Grody, Hoys, Hicks, Hegg ie, Kinma n, Marks. TH IRD ROW : Matzke, McDonald, Morris, li on proved to be really rough , as Pa t Freeman fell through the rotted porch of the haunted h ouse, and sponsor Jan e Sha rp got lost in the wet wilderness with a carload of pledges. The formal banquet at the Ramada Inn in Jacksonville re fl ected wi shful thinking with the theme "Up, Up, and Away." April was filled with 6 a. m . prac ti ces, ironing pas tel streamers and finding a formal for the special day. Murphy, Needham, Page , Parsons, Petty, Plemons.FOURTH ROW: Prock , Redd, B. Smith, M . Smi th, Stevens, Tipps, Townsend , Win land .