1967-1968 Yearbook

Queen Ruth Ell en Ki ndle OFFICERS. Lor ry Owen, Pres.; Steve Kindle, V ice·Pres.; Donna Hall, Sec.-Treas.; William and Mary Bridges, Sponsors. THETA ALPHA GAMMA MARRIED men aren 't all fat and lazy as evidenced by Tog memo bers as they give Koinonia a run for their money in club finals. 'Great Pumpkin' wins first prize at TAG function TAG offers llardill !!: m a rri ed stud e nt s an millet for ('xtraclirricular. sociaL IwnC'\'ol cnt anrl alhlC'tic activities. Thi s yea r was no excC' pti on. It hC'~a n with a Hallowee n parly ill the fall. Sieve and Rllih Ellen Kindl C' won first prizC' fo r thC'ir " GrC'ai PlImpkin" cos tlllT1 C' ancl Charli e TholT1pso n won sC'co nd pri zC' for a morC' ''- fC' mininC''' typC' cl'C'a tion . In i Iiat ing thC' hoi inay seaso n was a Christ ma s banquet al Kell ey's in r1ald Knob. Bob H el sten spokC', cllll> 11l C'J11 \wrs furnishC'o C'nlC'l'ln innlC'nl. a nd THETA ALPHA GAMMA. TOP ROW. Allison, Belden , Beck , Corter, Collins, Dennison, Galyean. SECOND ROW: O. Hall , R. Hall , 154 a carol -sing co nc1ucl C' c1 th e ('vr ning. A majorilY of the ,0 cou pl es attended th e spri ng banqll et April1 8 at llw newl y-opened Holid ay Inn in Searcy. TI afforded couples an opportllnity to don fOl'mnl aU ire and lC'(lve offspring w ith a habysi tter. TAG pro ved formirlible competi lors in a ll sports. ca pturing Ihe crown in so flhall and participating in a playoff with Koinonia for first place in club ba ske tball . Harper, Hearne, R. Kindle , S. Kindle, Kinser. THIRD ROW. Owen, Phillips , Poindexter, Ritchie, Smalling, Smith, Spradlin.