Queen Mary Smith OFFICERS. Randy Chapman, Pres.; Gary Northam, Vice-Pres.; Gary Coates, Sec.; Barry Milton, Treas.; Mr. Burks, Sponsor. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA KAPPA SIGS rag tag team spent hours on the practice fiel d to develop a crack squad capable of winninQ the small dub title. Kappa Sigmas grab small club football crown Athletics cons tituted th e major ac tlvlty of the Kappa Sigma Ka ppas as they captured first place in small club football . They were also number one in club volleyball " B" team competition . Thirteen new members were inducted into the club and their rough ini tia ti on proved to be memorable. Pl edges were taken to the country and given instructions to find their way back to Searcy. Hiking through th e dark, a ll 13 got lost and walked KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA. TOP ROW, Mr. Burks (s ponsor), Barber , Bashaw, Betancourt, Boyd, Boyl e, Chapman, Coates, Corum. SECOND ROW: Gunn, Ha rpole, Holloway, Hudson , Layne, 144 from eight to ten miles out of th e way. Kappa Sig's chose Mary Smi th as their club queen and h onored her with a gift a t their banquet. Besides ch eering th e Kappa's on to victory in athletic events, Mary enthusiastically served r efreshments at each meeting. The picturesque Red Apple Inn a t Heber Spri ngs provided the setting for the club banquet held April 6. l oomis, McDonald , M ilhollen, Mi lton. THIRD ROW: Northam, Garry Parrish, Gerald Parrish, Pruitt, Rice, Roberts, Ruble , Sandh, Ward , Womack .