FRATER SODALIS. TOP ROW; Mr. Barnes , Mr. Ritchie, Dr. Wright (sponsors ). Adams, Albright , Alexander , Baldridge, Barr , Barron, Brewer . SECOND ROW; Brown, Bustamante, Butterfield, Byrd, Caison, Co l lins, Combs , Cooke , Davis, Dawson. THIRD ROW; Deal , Drewett , Durham, Freeman, Ford , Gartman, Gifford, FRATER SODALIS Gunn , Hendrix, HOQan. FOURTH ROW: Jackson , James, Jamison, Jones, Kiel , Laird, E. Lewis , J . Lewis , Manlove. McDaniel. F1FTH ROW: McCown, Miles, Miller, Neely, Parker , Parsley , Reed . Reese. C. Selvidge. SIXTH ROW: D. Selvidge, Shepherd, Shumate, Siddall , Simmons, Thomann , Thompson , Voyles. We ygandt. Fraters present 'Echoes from Galilee' in chapel Mindful of serving mankind , the Fraters chose sending books to needy school children in Africa for their club project. Club members also added to the spiritual flavor of the campus by presenting a thoughtful chapel devotional entitled "Echoes from Galilee ." Fraters carried their spirit of Christian brotherhood into the sports arena by participating in all OFFICERS. Rick Glass, Pres.; Eddie Lewis, Vice -Pres.; Don Parsley, Sec.; John Freeman, Treas.; Andy T. Ritchie, Winfred W. Wright, Jerome Barnes, Sponsors. Queen Sandy Green 142 interclub sports. Faces and voices of Fraters became familiar to the campus female population as they serenaded g irls' dorms frequently during the year. "Christmas Evening by Starlight" was the theme for the club banquet at the Coachman's Inn in Little Rock. RELAXED and waiting, Rick Glass and Edwin Hendrix watch the pins fly in Saturday morning club action at College Bowl.