ALPHA PHI KAPPA Queen JAN CHAPMAN OFFICERS. Jernigan, Pres.; Brown, VicePres., Grady, Treos.; Billy R. Cox, sponsor. POISE and charm evi dent, queen Jan Chapman eagerly enter· tains admi ring APK"s in her room during Friendly Week. Red Apple Inn customers musIc • APK • It was just the beginning of a year of activities when the APK's chose to have their third function at Joe Webb's. Another special event during the fall lemester was pledge week, when returning members tested the charac ter and endurance of 20 pled~es by submitting them to the u sual tasks, climaxing with the annual " tea party." Club queen Jan Chapman played a large part in APK with her loyalty, by supporting all club activities and keeping the members well-suppli ed ALPHA PHI I(APPA. TOP ROW: Cox (sponsor), Bcin, Bass, Bran· I Brown, Caud le, Cherry, Collins, Cruce. SECON D ROW: lon, Doo ley, Dotson, Finch, Flippen, Gordner, Goss, G reen, with refreshments. February 10 found the APK's and their da tes at the luxuriou s Red Apple Inn in Eden I sle for the formal banquet. The couples en joyed musical entertainment furnished by club members, as did other patrons of the Inn. Participation in club sports and the SA-spon sor ed Chri stmas project saw a well-rounded year for APK. They concluded the year wi th a spring outing. Lendzion. THIRD ROW; McKeel , McMillon, Mize, Pugh, Russell, Sawyer, Strick lin, Wimberley, Young.