1967-1968 Yearbook

BISON BOOSTERS . FRONT ROW: lamb, Rives, Cooper, Whitwort h, Jackson, Pillow, Che rry. SECOND ROW: Lee, Cobb, Jones, Heggie, Roberts, Potts, SPECIAL INTERESTS Parks, Buccni, Lavender. THIRD ROW: Matthews, WorTh, Dixon, Tarpley, Murphy, Gorden, Bomar, Walker, DeVaney, Winge!. Bison Boosters host junior college tournament BISONETTES . FRONT ROW: Roberts. SECOND ROW: Cooper, Jackson. THIRD ROW: Hegg ie, WhitworTh , Potts. FOURTH ROW: Murphy, Gardner, Tarpley, Bomar. As one of their top proj ects, H arding's Bison Boos ters helped sponso r a baske tball tourn ament for Chri stian junior colleges. The Boos ters also provided th e ex tra fund s n eeded for th e foo tball team to fly to a game in Maryv ille, Tenn . They decorated the stands and goal pos ts before each football game and supplied favors fo'"athletes a t pcp ralli es. The Bisonelles wer e a ch eering section th e cheerleaders could a lways depend on a t football and basketball games . The 21 girls, dressed in black and gold uniforms, performed porn -porn routines and h elped the cheerleaders keep games noisy. Harding's Dac tylology Club visited LillIe Rock each Sunday to teach sign-language Bible classes to deaf children . In Ma rch club members directed a campaign toward til e deaf in LillIe Rock. While working th ere they prayed, preach ed, read scripture and sang - a ll in sign la nguage. The group made trips to Arkansas School for th e Dea f in Little Rock and the Rehabilita tion Center in Hot Springs. During th e yea r th e Dac tylology Club reached a record membership of 65 . Harding Business Women met for a seri es of lectures on self improvement . Gues t speakers talked on jewelry and accesso.-i es, ha ir styling and flower arrang ing. The Business Women a re a group of facuIty and staff women wh o meet for fellowship, study and to benefit the coll ege.