1967-1968 Yearbook

DEPARTMENTAL Journalists create Alpha Phi Gamma chapter Student journalists in May 1967 started a local chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma, national honorary journal ism fratern ity. The charter members included about 20 student workers for the Bison , Petit Jean , Publi city Office and the Ha rding- Press. Faculty workers for the Publicity Offi ce and Hardin g- Press arc el ig-ible for associate membership. Early in the fall the Department of Psycholog-y and Sociology started the Behaviora l Science Club. The organization sponsored seminars to help ori ent psy.-soc. maj ors to their professions. The Science Club made fi eld trips to Big River Fertal izer Plant in Helena and a g-enerating- sta - tion of Arkan sas Power and Light Co. Dr. William Rushton took the group on a trip to dig foss ils. The club h ea rd separate lectures on fossils, chemi cal resea rch , bi och emi stry and emotional illness. Early in the yea r the Science Club ga ined affiliation with the Arkan sas Collegiate Academy of Sciences. Harding's chapter of th e Arkan sas Home Economics Assoc iation was host to the state AHEA meeting. Linda Di smuke served as state president. The Archer y Club promoted archery by providing opportunity to u se the bow and a n·ow. The Camera Club studied photog raphy by watching movies and u sin g- th e Student Center dark room. ARCHERY CLUB . FRONT ROW: Strom, Cleveland, Russell, Northam. SECOND ROW: Braswell, Tooke . TH IRD ROW: lemmon , Bush . 128 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Moody, Anderson. Coffman. SECOND ROW: Beason , Sanders. Gi lliam [sponsor). TH IRD ROW: Pett i· grew, Dennis. FOURTH ROW: l awson, Verkler Isponsor). SCIENCE CLUB . FRONT ROW: Pelt, Rika rd , Newcomb . Chester. SECOND ROW: lawson [sponsor), Thomosson, Leach , Tester , Wooton . THIRD ROW: Roll , Clark, Lewis, Hayn ie, Sidle, Higbee , Reynolds .