1967-1968 Yearbook

Harding's chapter of the Student National Education Association was one of the most acti ve in Arka nsas in 1967-68. The ZOO m embers directed a series of formal progr ams toward the them e " Looking Forward to Your Profession. " Dr. L. A. Da vis, president of Arkansas AM&N, spoke at th e March pro/(ram. Roger Lamb of th e Harding cha pter served as president o[ the state SNEA. In the faU art enthusias ts changed th e name of their club from Bijitsll to the Gu ild. I n March th ey started a chapter o[ Kappa P i, honorar y art society, in con junction with the Guild. T he Z5-member group visited Mid-South Art Show in Memphi s and Delta Art Show in Little Rock. Establishment of a French Club marked the ri se of interest in French a t H a rding. They r ecorded hymns in French and studi ed French culture. Pi Gamma Psi accounting club studied cos t account ing systems in nea rby c iti es . I n December tJ1C group vis ited Little Rock to talk with the I nternal Revenue Service and A. O. SmitJl, I nc., ma ker s of plastic pipe. In th e spring it went to Memphis for visits with Interna tional Harvester and Hol iday Inns of America. The PEMM Club, [or P. E. ma jors and minor s, helps keep members abrea st of developments lJ1 health, recrea t ion and physical education. -- IIILICITING membership in Harding ' s chapter of SNEA during regi stra tion line is one o f the dut ies of the o r~a n ization . THE GUILD. FRONT ROW: Jo rdan , Allmon , Munn . SECOND ROW: Mason (sponsor), Clevela nd, To te. TH IRD ROW: Thomas, Brewe r, Dempsey. FOURTH ROW: McDaniel , Coston. FIFTH ROW: Wa tson (sponsor), Smi th. "MM CLUB. FRONT ROW: D. Cheek, Da i ley, l. Cheek . SECOND ROW: Tooke . Wolker , Boy le. THIRD ROW: Olree (sponsor), Kn ight (sponsor) Kn ight · 127