1967-1968 Yearbook

POLITICAL GROUPS American Studies group tours Dallas, Chicago YOUNG IEPUBLICANS, FRONT ROW: Bowlby, DeLong. SECOND ROW: Weaver, Evonenko, Rogers , Arnhart. TH IRD ROW: Hoflimore. DEMOCRATS, FRONT ROW: Barbara Tillman, Charles DeVaney, On October 15 th irty- fi ve American Studi es students left to explore Dallas with Professor Billy Ray Cox. The group had special visits with Braniff International Airways, Neiman -Marcus, Dallas Market Center and Dallas Cowboys General Man - ager T ex Schram. At nip;ht th ey were p;uests of the State Fair of Texa s. The purpose was to relate trade, air tran sportation and professional sports to life in th e U nited States . On April 27 they wer e off explorin p; ap;a in. This time it was to Chicago for visits with Mayor Daley, Dunn and Bradstreet, the Chicap;o Sun-Times and tJ,e FBI. To further put "America in Perspective" a seri es of speakers visited the Hardinp; campus. Congressman Wilbur Mills, Maj. Gen. Raymond Davis, H erb Philbrick and OtJ19rS each spoke on th eir specialties. Phi Alpha Theta, nation al hi sto ry society, serves to honor students with high p;rades in history. Those with a 3.50 average in 12 hours of hi story and a 3. 000 overall average are elip;ible . Many students express partisan political beliefs through work in Young Hepublicans, Young Democrats, OCAPA and Young Americans for Freedom. PHI ALPHA THETA . FRONT ROW: Shephe rd . Wolker, Galyean, Belts . SECOND ROW, Bilbo, Curry, Young. TH IRD ROW: Muncy (sponsorL Gibbs. 125