BAND . FRONT ROW: (hesler, Horfon, Anders, Oldroyd, lVllon, Griffith, Nichols, Jones, Ganus, Yingling, Austin. SECOND ROW: Null, C. Allen, Fairly, Sauder, Rhodes, Lunsford, Willarn, lay, Rittenour, Sonders, Crone, Walley, J. Smith. THIRD ROW, Bingman, Patchell, Norwood, lemmons. Veoro, Moody, Bridges, Chilton, Burcham, Michaels, David, MUSIC GROUPS Wolfe, Pryor, Baggett, Gross, Johnmeyer, Estes, WhittingTon, Renfroe, While. FOURTH ROW: Greene, Brock, lucos, Gunselmon, Thomas, Saunders, Pelt, Dean, Calhoun, Fly, Moffitt, Showalter, R. Smith, E. Allen. Coisan, Stokes, Ruttledge, Senn. FIFTH ROW: Youree, Manlove, Williams, Walker, Baggett jdirector). , Bison Band adds two majorettes and fire batons RECORDING CHORUS . FRONT ROW: Mcintosh, Phillips, Adorns, C. Timmerman. SECOND ROW: Anders, Nuft, Nolle, Munn, New£omb. THIRD ROW, F. Timmerman, Simon, Anderson, Long, Kemp. FOURTH ROW: Dixon, Amy, Gibson, Barr, Taylor. 118 Hosting the 13th annual Arkansas Intercollegiate Band in March was the highlight of band activity for the year. Outstanding instrumentalists from fourteen Arkansas colleges participated. The Harding Concert Band varied only slightly in membership from tlle Bison Marching Band. Several short trips were made to Memphis and tours in Arkansas. The Harding Chorale, also directed by Mr. Baggett, is open to any student who would like to participate in choral music. Forty-two members attended the First Annual College Sing at the Harris Fine Arts Auditorium in Little Rock on Feb. 16. DIRECTING with great enthusiasm, Mr. Baggett enables the Chorale to be on outstanding group on the Harding campus.