1967-1968 Yearbook

TIMOTHY CLUB. FRONT ROW, Wylie, Anderson, Bostic, White, Hester, Parsley, Jones (sponsor). SECOND ROW: lucas, Mays, Gartman, Curry, Coombs, Hays (sponsor], Hacker (sponsor). THIRD ROW: Wilson, Brand, RELIGIOUS GROUPS Eldridge, Woodward, Rivoire, Smith, Vaughan, Harrison, Barr. FOURTH ROW, Hansen, Hendrix, Dole, Matthews, Gifford, Collins, Bramsfedf, Caison, Amy, Taylor. Harding students attend workshop at Lipscomb 114 Attendan ce a t the annu a l Chri sti an College Mi ssion Workshop by 100 Hardin g students was a highlight for relig ious orga ni za ti ons on campus. Held in October a t Dav id Lipscomb College in Nashville, T enn., th e wor kshop incl uded such local spea ker s as C. W . Bradl ey, Ra lph McCluggage, Jack Exum and Stan ley Shipp . A lso, films from several miss ion fi e lds were shown. This yea r the sepa ra te mi ss ions clubs combin ed into one group- ACT-"All Chri st ians T ogeth er ." One of th e major act ivi ti es of ACT h as been training stud ents in th e techniques of teaching and campa igning for Chri st ianity. A panel of preacher 's w ives was only one of the va ried progr ams of th e T imoth y Club, which met regula rl y each Monday ni ght. The progr ams are designed to h elp the 80 members become mor e effective preacher s. Lec tu r es, pa nel di scussions and deba tes provid ed a va riety of subject ma tter. Les Bonn e de Chri ste's project thi§ yea r was the "Thought for T oday" on th e bull et in boa rd of the Bible Buildi ng. The club is des igned to h elp young women become mor e dedi ca ted Chri sti ans . MISSION STUDY GROUP. FRONT ROW: Driver, Ashley, Smifh son , Ander· son. SECOND ROW: Barr, Hendrix, Beason. THIRD ROW: Woodward , Rivoi re. FOURTH ROW, Brand, Eldridge.