1967-1968 Yearbook

lII!nA.NT editor Dione Hoag land acknowledge and bas ic pri ncip les the production of the 1969 book . D GAINING experience by w or k ing wi t h Randy , Gail McKinney acquires insight into the responsibil i ty o f business manager . CAPTURING momen ts on film for the yearbook, pho tographer Pot Lyon spends much time in the darkroom . la uren Lawyer Academy Editor Diane Hoa gla nd Admi n is/rclion Editor Ka y Gowen Closses Editor Ma rcy Hogg a tt Di rectory Editor Lorella Cheek Organizations Ed,tor l ynette Pe nnington Personalities Edilo c Ka rin Strom Photography Editor Rila Taylor Soc ial Clubs Edi tor Jean Fl ipp in Spor ts Editor Ron n ie Killen Studen t life Editor WRITING ca p t ions requi res t ime, pat ience, spa rk of inspiration. 111 I