1966-1967 Yearbook

Harding's environment encourages excellence In May and June of 1966 the I-larding Collegiate Players toured military bases in Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and Labrador Under the auspices of the usa, Presenting "Where's Charley" and a Variety Program to appreciative audi ences. This was the fourth, overseas tour made by Harding studen ts since 1960, the three previous Tours having been made by th e Belles and Beaux. ---- .... --- Enrollment increases of about 20 per cent Each of the last two faIl s has brought an Increasing need for additional dormitories an n Class rooms to accommodate a stud en t body That is increasing in academic quality yea rly. The first unit of the new Men 's Dormitory Was completed just before the open ing of The fall semester and thi s unit is th e First air-conditionen dormitory on campus. 5