1966-1967 Yearbook

ACADEMIC LIFE General education curriculum offers all-area depth of study Harding Collcgc is a libcral arts Christ ian co llcge. Its p..og..am of cu .. ri cular study and co-cu .... icular activity is dcs igned to assist stud cnts in dcveloping a background of knowlcdgc and cxpcri cn cc that wi ll enablc them to l i,'c effectivc li vcs of scrvi cc. The phil osophy of the college is dcvelo ped throu gh sys temat ic Bibl e study and dail y ch apel. A broa rl gene ral ('duration program acqua ints students with thei .. h is tori ca l her i tage. thcir cultural heritage. the p;ranciC'urs of science, and effec ti ve' m(>ans of orAl il lle! wr ittrn communi ca ti on . MASTERING the complicoted Collfornia lob case IS only one of many aspects 01 typography ond graphic arJoS, Judy Coffman discovers DEFYING the balance of mon i~ Andy Sounders on the parallel bors Gymnas tics class 15 only one of mony physicol education courses. 32 " YOU 'VE heard of Babylonia? quesTions Bible professor Bob Hel· s/en 05 he uses the populor flannel board for a teaching aid.