320 As we look in retrospect upon the time, effort and individual sacrifices necessary to make the 1967 Petit Jean a reality, we realize that this yearbook represents a team effort toward excellence. The purpose of Harding College is to achieve a three-fold development: the soul, the mind and the body of man. Our goal this year has been to produce a yearbook which would accurately portray this Pursuit of Excellence at Harding. Outstanding achievement in any area is seldom obtained without giving of one's self. The key note to success this year has been exemplified by cooperation of the entire Petit Jean staff and all the individuals and groups directly involved. We especially appreciate the help of Ben and Roger Red, Herman West and his staff at the College Press, Russ Simmons and the Public Relations office personnel, Stan Green and Roy Terry for supplying needed pictures and particularly the understanding of faculty members and classmates. The vital assistance of John Clark of the American Yearbook Company and the capable and calming guidance of Dr. Joe provided invaluable encouragement. We wish to thank and compliment all the staff members and interested individuals who have contributed to making this 1967 Petit Jean not only a reality, but also what we hope and feel will be a measure of excellence. Judy Owens Max Lorenz