1966-1967 Yearbook

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grades 1-6 constitute Harding Academy Elementary School An importan t part of the Academy is the grade school wi th gra des one through six included. The youngster s have their own Pee 'vVee athleti c program under th e direction o f Coach Cliff Sharp . During the regular season, th e basketball team was undefeated. A favorite in the College Variety Show was Mrs. lIenry's tinikling grou p. The Halloween and Spr ing programs we re hi ghli ghts of the year. Mrs. Lawson's a rt classes and Mrs. H elsten 's German instructi on add erl inter est to th e Elemen - tary School curri culum . Standardi zed tests g iven the students in the grade school reveal a group that is above the national average in all areas. This indicates that from the first grarle Academy students a re ex posed 10 academic excellence at I-larding. FI FTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Mrs. Morybelle Helslen, Corio Burkett, Jean Taylor, Corla Mick, Denise Hocker. SECOND ROW: David Ozbirn, Dirk FOURTH GRADE : FRONT ROW: l. Curry, J. Berryhill, B. Yarbrough, J. Woodruff, D. Curry. SECOND ROW, Mrs. Sears, R. Bales, J. lowyer, E. Wolker, C. Angel, C. Oldham , D. Wallace. THIRD ROW: Groves, S. Martin, C. Coward, R. Moyer, N. Harris, C. Posey. FOURTH ROW, B. Williams, M. Word, C. Prock, C. DaviS, J. Daniel, V. Rogers. 268 SIXTH GRADE . FRONT ROW: Miss Rachel. D. Hedrick. B. Ulrey, K. Kellar, L Formby, A. Lawyer. SECOND ROW: N. Walts, P. Gilliam, l. Campbell, N. Doniel, D. Beck. THIRD ROW: R. Moore, D. Altman, R. Baggett, M. Hart. FOURTH ROW: K. Harr is, M. Kiihnl, D. Tucker, J. Boles, Allison, Douglos loftin, Benny Stout, Joe Pryor, Roger Bollard, Philip Chester.