244 PUBLICATIONS News media provides many memories of high school days The school newspaper, the Wildcat , was published four times a year by Sheila Barger, editor, and her able assistant editor, Debbie Ganus. After long hours of composing, typing and proofreading, a proud staff produced a paper well done. The Academy section of the 1967 Petit Jean was edited by Marcia Hays, assisted by Lauren Lawyer. Diligent effort through many hours gave the students a section in the yearbook to be treasured. Faculty advisor Ruth Browning offered help and assistance on both publications. PETIT JEAN STAFF. TOP ROW : Borge r, Blue, Be rryhill, Cleveland. SECOND ROW, Ganus. Harris, Hoys, Jones. THIRD ROW: lawyer, Muncy, Prock, West SHEILA Barger, editor of the Wildcat , Miss Browning, advisor, and Debbie Ganus, assistant editor, concentrate on new s items. WILDCAT STAFF. TOP ROW, Barge r, Blue, Bridges, Cu rry. SECOND ROW: Ganus, Hays, Jones, lawyer. THIRD ROW: Moore, Muncy, Prock, Woodruff. WORKING on 0 Petit Jean, Min Ruth Browning, advisor, makes sugge stions to louren lawyer, ossistant editor, and Marcia Hays, edi tor.