lETA CLUI, FRONT ROW: Hays, Barger, Clark, Martin, Cleveland, Brawn, Brock. SECOND ROW: Ganus, Woodruff, Curry, Moore, Formby, Groover, Honor Student Debbie Ganus Honor Student Kerbe Lee Gibson, Smith, Mrs. Ritchie (sponsor). THIRD ROW: Allen, SOPP, Harris, Lawson, Thompson, Muncy, Lee, Atteberry, BETA CLUB Academic excellence justly rewarded with high honors The Beta Club is an organization encouraging scholarship, character and leadership i,:, the Academy. In order to be a member, a student must maintain a ~'90" average or above for two consecutive six-week periods. Each year the Beta Club purchases a frame for the senior composite and holds a club breakfast to elect officers for the coming year. DEBBIE GANUS - Debbie is not satisfied with less than her best effort in accomplishing any task, whether little or big. Diligent, daily application to each assignment combined with unusual academic aptitude to enable her to master her high school curriculum. KERBE LEE - Fellow students admire Kerbe's versatility as he uses his talents in a wide range of activities. Native intelligence and hard work gave him an excellent grade point average in his senior year in high school. 243 •