1966-1967 Yearbook

SUB-DEB This closely knit organization provides enduring friendships The Sub-Dcb socia l club initiated three new members wit h informal initi ation at the College Farm, wh ere Judy Str eet l ed the pledges and th e ir ma sters on a tour of a "'perfume fa ctory," Thi s was followed by an over-night party with refreshments, but ve ry little sleep. The formal i n iti al i on ~ wh ich enclcd the year's pledge activ iti es, was held in th e h ome of Lauren Lawyer. Ri cky H arris and David Muncy were selected as beaux and accompanied the club on all major functions a nd served as coaches. Sub-Debs enjoyed caroling at faculty homes and open ing "white dephant· ' g ifts at Christmas time. OFFICERS . FALL, Moore, Pres.; Lawyer, Vice-Pres.; Ganus, Sec.; Clark, Treas.; Formby, HiS!.; Ann Owen, Sponsor. Club Beau Rick Harri s Club Beau David Muncy SUB-DEB sponsor, Mrs. Ann Owen, serves punch during Ihe formal Initiation. at Ihe home of lauren Lawyer. Wailing for their refreshments ore Debs Margaret Formby, Nancy Clark and Jenny Davis. However, highlighting the evening was Ihe Induction of three new club members. SUB-DEB. TOP ROW: Mrs. Owen (sponsor), Rosemary Boggett, Donna Brawn, Kathy Colvert. SECOND ROW: Nancy Clark, Jenny DaVis, Margaret Formby, Rachel Formby. THIRD ROW: Debbie Ganus, Penny Groover, Sammye Holder, Lauren Lawyer. FOURTH ROW: Ladanna Martin, Mona Le Moore, Judy Street, Sharon Webb.