1966-1967 Yearbook

LISTENING attentively to Dean Carl Allison, KAT's and thei r dates enjoy the romontic atmosphere of the Christmas banquet at Bill·s. KAT Mid-winter banquet delightful "Fantasy featured In Frost" The initiation of eight pledges inaugurated the yearly activities of th e Kappa Alpha Theta soc ia l club. The home of Martha Sears was selected for the rough initia tion. Part of th e activit ies held during pledging included gathering pennies, wa n - dering blindfolded through the Academy field and learning the club song on top of a dirt pile. Sherry Kell's house was selected for the quiet, impressive, ca ndl elight ceremony, whi ch concluded the pledges' initiation. The K.A.T.'s also ch ose two club beaux, Jim Atteberry and Rick Wood, who coached th e club at their games. Their Christmas banquet, "Fantasy in Frost," proved to be the highlight of th e year for the Kappa Alpha Theta's. Beautiful decorations, good food and a Christmas atmosphere made the night one to remember throughout the year. The speaker chosen was Carl Alli son and Judy Perry provided the entertainment. Club Beau Jim Atteberry Club Beau Rick Wood OFFICERS. FAll: Jones, Pres.; Howard , Vice-Pres.; Kell , Sec.; Seon, Treas.; Paula Henry, Sponsor. KAT. TOP ROW: Mrs. Henry (sponsor), Pot Bassett, Kathy Gibson, Debbie Graham. SECOND ROW: Millie Harris, linda Howord, Pam Jones, Sherry Kell. THIRD ROW: Nicki Pickett, Martha Sears, Cheri Woodruff. 241