STAR Stars are very well distributed along the wide school horizon The six old members of STAR made careful plans for pledge week and then initiated eight girls into the club. Sheila Barger's home rang with shouts of glee during the infonnal night pledging. The formal initiation, simple but impressive, was held in Marcia Hays' home. Several tiring, but lively, bunking parties during the year were enjoyed by all STAR members and their sponsor. A lovely banquet held in late spring climaxed a full year's activities. Miss Anne Blue, girls' physical education teacher and club sponsor. guided the members to a good intramural record, with basketball as their favorite sport and their first win over the Suh-Debs. OFFICERS . FALl: Hays, Pres.; Barger, Vice· Pres.; Bridges, Sec.; West, Treas.; Bridgeman, Rep.; Anne Blue, Sponsor. Club Beau David Berryhill 240 Club Beau Marty Thompson STAR . TOP ROW, Miss Blue (sponsor), Sheila Borger, Martha Blue, Cynthia Bridgeman. SECOND ROW, Barbaro Bridges, Candy Cleveland, Coral Cleveland, Joy Curry. THIRD ROW, Marcia Hays, Darleen Jones, Martina Prock, Susan Quoile. FOURTH ROW, Donna Smith, Kristina West Georgia Woodruff. STAR beaux David Berryhill and Marly Thompson explain about modern ort to three admiring but bewildered members of the social club.