STUDENT LIFE Boys and girls find wholesome outlets in a variety of activities The athletic teams, endowed with unusually good school spirit and loyalty to the Academy, climbed to success. Cheerleaders and the pep club worked to develop in each student a desire to win. All who participated in club activities, dramatics, chorus work and athletics gained valuable experience in leadership and good sportsmanship . Students on shorthand, typing, parliamentary law and spelling teams match ed their skill s with those from other school s. The 1966-67 school year will long linger in the memory of each student. LOCKER doors bonging and voices rising, Academy students prepare to meet final cloues for the day. This five· minute break between class periods is never long enough 10 finish those interesting conversations. 238 THE girls ' social clubs i n making their clubs SMILING sympathet ically, junior Debbie Gonus issues a tardy slip to classmate Georgia Woodruff. The job of keeping Mr. Berryhill's outer office is given 10 a girl chosen from the study holl.