GARY Wood and other members of the art doss are very fortunate; their semester instructor is art ist J. lee Roberts, missionary off-duty. ACADEMIC LIFE Academy students place their studying above other interests A varied curriculum provides each student with an opportunity for intellectual growth. Basic courses in mathematics, natural science, literature, art, social science, music, Bible and languages give the individual a well-rounded sch edule. A library, which is steadily being improved, is under excellent supervision and provides enriching experiences for the many students who use its facilities. All faculty members are dedicated to high teaching standards and have a desire to help each student develop to hi s full capacity. MARTHA Blue and Nancy Clark consider patterns for spring wear and wonder whether they w ill be able to accomplish sewing assignments. AS unusually strong emphasis is being put on mathematics, Harding Academy is well prepa red to give individualized instruction to students. Judging from Mrs. Kathryn Ritch ie·s solid geometry closs, one might conc!udf" our girls are either avoiding mathematics or are shunn ing our boys. 237