1966-1967 Yearbook

JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PhD DEAN OF THE COLLEGE Dr. Pryor mixes administrative and extracurricular activities DR. JOSEPH E. PRYOR has served !Jarding- Col - leg-e as a teach er of chemi stry, phys ics and mathemati cs for 23 years and as acad emic dean for seven yea rs. lIi s keen inter es t in students, hi s dedi cation to th e a ims and objec ti ves of Chri stian educati on. a nd hi s ca pac ity for sustained hard work ena hle him to rend er valu a bl e service to th e Coll eg-e. During the past year Dean Pryor ser ved as Pres ident of the Arkan sas Department of I-li g- her Educa - ti on, Sec retary -Treasurer of Reg ion II of Alpha Chi . Vi ce-Pres id ent of th e Arkansa s Intercollegiate Ath · Iti c Conference and a Coorrlinator in the North Crnlrfl l A ssnc iClliol1 . DR. Joe Pryor comments to J. D. Boles on the ou tcome of Hording In a cross coun try roce as both faculty membe rs support the team 20