1966-1967 Yearbook

lETA PHI lETA Cherry lanterns blossoms, Japanese set banquet mood Cherry blossoms, fans and lanterns set th e mood for "A Japanese New YOI'k," the theme for this year 's Zeta Phi Zeta banqu et. Smorgasbord and entertainment by J anice Barke r and Jim Gr een high - ligh ted the evening. In addi ti on to planning the banquet, such ac ti - vit ies as bunking pa rti es, wor k parties and participa ti on in club spor ts provided a busy schedule. At Chri stmas, cl ub member s exch anged gifts and had refreshment s at the home of Cindy Wat ts. At thi s time the club presented the sponsors with boxes of holiday ca ndy. One of the mos t popula r and unusua l ac tivi ti es of the year was the Zeta Ph i-Mohica n mock wedding. The entrance to th e Ameri can H eritage Building was the se lling for thi s happy event. An unusual evening was in store for club memo bel'S and their da tes a t th e Zeta Phi th ird fun ction "The Bunny Club" was th e th eme for th e pa rty. "Bunni es ," boys dressed like bunnies, ser ved the r efres hmen ts to the gues ts. The May outing cl imaxed a bu sy year for Zeta Phi 's as th ey took to th e hill s for some r elaxa tion. Off iCERS. Dontey, Pres.; New, Vice-Pres.; Miller, Sec.; Watts, Trees.; Miss Winnie Bell, Mrs. Carl Allison, Sponsors. ZETA PH I ZETA . TOP ROW, Allison (sponsor), W. Be ll (sponsor). K. Bell, Bielby, Braddock. SECOND ROW: Brown, Childress, rhisum, Cla rk , Columbus. THIRD ROW: Cudd, Donley, Hemingway . Hoggatt, Howard FOURTH ROW; Johnson, love, Manning , Miller, New, Newton. FIFTH ROW: Pace, Pangle, Reagan , Robertson, Sando, Simmons. SIXTH ROW: Street, B. Tucker, D. Tucker , Turner, Watts. Wollard. THE cheerful warmth of the fi re gives spi rits a lift at the Zeta Phi Zeta Ch ristmas party at Cindy Waft s' home. Club Beau Freddie Woodruff 194