REGINA Dramatic exploited Club Beau Gary Simpson talents of pledges during final rites The magic of the Russian word "Varykin o" served to set the th eme of th e annual Begina ban - qu et at the Ram ada Inn in Jacksonville in early Februa ry. The theme was selec ted from th e Ice I-louse set of th e mov ie, Dr. Zhi vago. The Icc House was r ec reated by the girls and ser ved as the ch ief decor a tion fo r th e banquet. Readings from th e wo rks of Ca rl Sa ndburg prov ided enterta inment for the Regi nas and their dates. The r eadings wer e performed by Erl ene Laney and Andy Saunder s. The month of Fe brua ry was fi lled with ac ti vity for the hard -wo rking qu eens as th ey organized a cha pel program for Valentine's Day. The theme was "Love Is... ". A tum from tradi tion was taken thi s year as th e Regina outing was h eld in the sprinA', r a th er than the fall as in previous year s. OFFICERS. FALL, Holder, Pres.; Medearis, Vice· Pres.; Hankins, Sec.; Closterman, Treas. SPRING: Holder, Pres.; Hyde, Vice.Pres.; Parks, Sec.; Hankins, Treas.; Bessie Moe Pryor, Spansar. 190 MARCIA Murphy expounds upon the happiness, sadness and hilari ty of love as the Reginas present their chopel program about love. REGINA . TOP ROW: Pryor (sponsor), Albert, Alley, Barker, Beck. SECOND ROW: Bowman, Brown, Byrd, Clark, Closterman. THIRD ROW: Coffman, Gillean, Grandi, M. Hall, S. Hall. FOURTH ROW: Hankins, Hawkins, Holder, Hyde, Jones, lawyer. FIFTH ROW: Mason, Medearis, Mitchell, Murphy, Newcomb, Parks. SIXTH ROW: Phillips, Rivers, Sewell, Walker, Walters, Wright.