1966-1967 Yearbook

Club Beau Bill Moss PHI DELTA New sponsor and twelve 'rats' mark beginning of new year After sa ti sfac torily demonstra ting their mastery of th e phrase, "Yes m a 'am , rat, m a'am , tha t 's what I am, ma 'am . Is there any thing I can do' for you ma'am ?'" 12 lowly rats becam e ac tive m ember s of the Phi Delta clan. Following rou gh initi a tion at Ha rding Park, the girls were treated to a slumber party a t th e home of Norma Staggs. The yea r proved to be a busy on e for both old and new member s. Bunking parties a t th e homes of Mrs. Isom and Norma Sta ggs gave the club memo bers an oppor tunity to get better acquainted. A Mexican Christmas party, a formal banquet and th e benevolent a id to an African Missionary completed th e yea r 's calenda r of events. OFFICERS. FAll: Rouse, Pres.; Chronister, Vice-Pres.; Krope, Sec.; Scruggs, Treos. SPRI NG: Sand ley, Pres.; Taylor, Vice-Pres.; Worth, Sec.; low, Treos.; Carol Isom, Sponsor PHI DELTA. TOP ROW: Altmon, Bennett, Bomar, Burk, Chronister. SECOND ROW: Cowan, Ditsleor, Ensminger, Fenley, Ford. THIRD ROW: Frazier, Hollomon, Kellon, Kendrick, Key. FOURTH ROW: Kincade, Krape, low, Par ler, Pruitt, l. Rolen. FIFTH ROW, S. Rolen , Rouse , Sandley, Sounders, Scruggs, Shoop. SIXTH ROW: Slaggs, Taylor , Townsley, Voorhees , Wilh ite , Worth . 189