1966-1967 Yearbook

CONCENTRATION is etched on the faces of Joyce Ailes, Fay Bryant and Glendo Pierce as they create a Camelot castle for lC's banquet. W COMPANERAS. TOP ROW: Simmons !sponsor). Ailes, Alexander, Bohr, Bisbee. SECOND ROW: Braudrick, Bryant, Crone, Forrest, Horr ilor... TH IRD ROW, Hook, Houser, Jackson, Johns, Martin, Mauch. FOURTH RON, May, Meeker, Miller, Moore, Pierce, Ransom. FIFTH ROW: Sandh, Slentz, Stacy, Wayland, Willis, Wheeler. Club Beau Phil Dixon LAS COMPANERAS LC's feature King Arthur and Lancelot at annual function This year 's members of Las Companeras have shown themselves eager to serve their fellow students . Continuing with their traditional project, the girls chose to transfer the senior picture composites from the hall of the Science Building to the trophy room of the American Heritage Building. Numerous activities have kept the L. C.'s busy this year . Pledge week, with the usual number of tasks and demerits for the "r oaches;' ended with a hot dog supper at the home of Mrs: Russell Simmon s, the club sponsor . A few weeks later , the girls invited their dates to the third function, a hayride-cookout at Wyldewood. A cake from club beau, Phil Dixon, furnished the girls with an excuse for a Valentine party which was held at Echo Haven . "Camelot by Candlelight" was the theme for the Las Companer as banquet at Bill's Res taurant on February 25. The program and entertainment, by Melissa May and Mark Miller , was center ed around King Arthur, Lancelot and Camelot. OFFICERS. FAll: Alexande r, Pres.; Wayland, Vice-Pres.; Johns, Sec.; Pierce, Treas. SPRING: Pierce, Pres.; Bryant, Vice-Pres.; Johns, Sec.; Alexander, Treas.; Mrs. Russell Simmons, Sponsor. 185