1966-1967 Yearbook

KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA Vocal capacities of gophers displayed during trying week Sixteen energetic gophers ga thered by the bell tower daily to voice their views toward the male population with their song, " I am a Gopher Girl. " Thus began a year of fun , ha rd work and many lasting fri end ships. Following th e rough ini t iation at the home of Mrs. Ga nu s and th e forma l initia tion by candlelight, th e pl edges were presented with a key which symboli zes the key to friendship and were wc]cOIl1cd as active Tri-Kappas. On March 4 th e Tri-Kappas and their dates packed a lunch box and h eaded for vYyldewood to enjoy games a nd food char ac teri stic of an oldfa shi oned box-lunch pi cnic. To climax the yea r's ac tiviti es, the theme of "Hawa ii ~' with fi sh n ets and sea shells as decor ations, was chosen for the April 18 banquet. OFFICERS . FAll, Cronin, Pres .; Bradford, Vice·Pres.; Pitner, Sec., Clary, Treas. SPRING: Galyean, Pres.; Bradford, Vice-Pres.; Deoy, Sec.; Cronin, Treas.; louise Gonus, Sponsor. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA . TOP ROW: Ganus (sponsor), Bartley, Bibee, Bradford, BUrl. SECOND ROW: Clary, Cronin, Curtis, Deason. Deoy. THIRD ROW: Delong, Freeze, Galyeon, Graddy, Hargis. FOURTH ROW: Hendrix , lee, lipe , Mahan, Mears , M imms. FIFTH ROW: Oxford, Pitner, Rogers, F. Sanders, K. Sanders, Scoggins. SIXTH ROW: Slinkord. Spurlock, N Teol . S Teol. Word , Wilkins Club Beou Jim Green 182 BIRTHDAYS are recognized by the Kappa Kappa Kappa members as they honor the founding of their club with spaghetti and coke at the home of Mrs. Clifton l. Ganus, Jr.