1966-1967 Yearbook

180 JU GO JU Hawaiian mood for atmosphere sets formal initiation Pineapple slices, soft candlelight, flowing mumu's and IIawaiian music were the surrounding clements at the Ju Go Ju formal initiation at the home of Mrs. Guy Thompson. The 19 pledges were guests at an informal luau following the formal club ceremonies. Cashing in on the feelings of teamwork produced by club participation in volleyball and basketball, coaches Jim Sharpe and Mike Plummer urged the girls on to victory. The doorway to Anderson's Restaurant dripped Japanese beads at the formal banquet. Providing musical entertainment for the affair were Jan Chessh ir and Darrell Chitty. The Ju Go Ju's attended to the many details necessary in planning the annual May Fete, as they sponsored a chapel program presenting the May Queen ca ndidates. The members also practiced diligently the intricate winding procedures each morning in preparation for the annual spring rite. A highlight of the year was the achievement of the academic trophy which is given by the Student Associa tion for the women's club with the highest ".d'mi, ."io, li~'~ OFFICERS. FAll, Starling, Pres.; Petty, Vice-Pres.; Tipps, Sec.-Treas. SPRING: Camp, Pres.; Bornes, Vice-Pres.; Freemon, Sec.. Treas .; Jane Sharp, Sponsor. MUMUS, leis and the modern setting of Mrs. Guy Thompson's home combine to give these club sisters a chance to socialize at initiation. Club Beaux Mike Plummer and Jim Sharpe JU GO JU. TOP ROW, Barnes, Bennett, Bird, Butler, Camp. SECOND ROW, Chesshir, Cobb, Doaly, Farmer, Ferguson. THIRD ROW: Freemon, Grady, Hart, Head, Heggie. FOURTH ROW: Hicks, Hillis, Jernigan, McDonald, Marks, Matzke. FIFTH ROW: J. Mitchell, N. Mitchell, Murphy, Needham, Page, Parsons. SIXTH ROW: Pearce, Petty, Smith, Starling, Tipps, Townsend.