1966-1967 Yearbook

Club Beau Q.aYid Smith CLUB beau David Smith, backing up the Gata Homecoming bonner, maneuvers the Gato " bug." TOP ROWI Baggett (sponsor). Adair, Bond, Byers, Cook. SECOND Covington, Cron ford, Crump, Gray, Haynes . THIRD ROW: Hen- , Howell , Malcik, Matthews, Moore. FOURTH ROW: Mullens, , Parker, Partezana, Penix, Petty. FIFTH ROW, Rackley, Reed, Shanks, Stafford, C. Taylor. SIXTH ROW: S. Taylor, Tedford, Warson , Williams, Wolfe. GATA Gata pledges earn awards following a week's activities Hobos, a pple blossoms and Valentin e ca kes hold fond memori es for thi s yea r 's mem ber s of Ga ta social club . Six teen Ga ta "muds" kept pledge maste rs busy devising urgent tas ks th a t could be done only by pledges. Formal ins ta ll a ti on of those who survived the r ough initia tion took place a t the home of Mrs. Eddi e Bagge tt, Gata sponsor . In Janua ry, Gata's and their da tes enjoyed a " Hobo" pa rty at Wy ldewood. Other act iv iti es in - cluded a get-together to presen t club bea u David Smith with a Val entin e cake, bunking parties and a spring outing. The highli ght of the yea r was the formal banqu et. " Apple Blossom Time" was th e them e of thi s yea r 's banquet beld April 22 a t th e H eritage H ouse in Little Rock. Patty Bowman and H ank McDaniel prov ided th e enterta inment. OFFICERS. FAll: Howell, Pres .; Cook, Vice-Pres.; Watson, Sec.; Cranford, Treas. SPRI NG: Cranford, Pres.; Taylor, Vice-Pres.; Staffo rd, Sec.; Jeannette Baggeff, Sponsor. 179