1966-1967 Yearbook

Club Queen Barbaro Neely TRUNK loaded with plenty of food and camping equipment, Pioneer's Tom Porter, Harry toy, Jim laney and John Vincent head for the wide open spaces as a climax to pledge activities. PIONEER. TOP ROW: Williams (sponsor!, Atkins, Bagwell, Bowen, Corter. SECOND ROW: Clinger, Cole, Collier, Culp, Dillinger. THIRD ROW: Dopps, Dudley, Griffin, Gunselman, Horrell. FOURTH ROW: Heath, loney, Loy. McDaniels , Martin. FIFTH ROW: Pierce, Porter, Rhodes. Stroop, Sunder· land. SIXTH ROW: F. J. Thoma 91 S. Thomas. Thompson, Tooke. Vincent, Walker. 172 PIONEERS \ Surprise Birthday Party' set as theme for annual banquet Hamburgers cooked over an open fire, barbequed beans, a hayride and a pie-ea ting contest all combined to form a successful evening for the Pioneers and their dates on December 3 at Wyldewood. Entertainment fea tured the girls designing toys out of construction paper and the Pioneers testing their dexterity at the eating of pies. Kelley's Restaurant on February 14 was the scene for the annual banquet whoch centered the theme around birthdays. Louise Pharr, Lynn Rolen and Joyce Slovak were presented as Pioneer Princesses and each was given several red roses. Van Alessandro delivered a humerous speech. Hank McDaniel, Patty Bowman and Linda ewcomb provided the entertainment. Vigorous club spirit was demonstrated by members as they participated in all sports activities and club projects . p ~. , R . . OFFICERS . FALL : Vincent, Pres.; Porter, Vice·Pres.; Tooke, Sec.; Bowen. Treas. SPRING: Vincent, Pres.; Porter, Vice·Pres.; Tooke, Sec.; Dudley, Treas.; Bill Williams, Sponsor.