1966-1967 Yearbook

Club Queen Karen Donley round-ups provide food, fun and entertainment for all as Ken ond his dote enioy Mohican's function ot Comp Wyldewood, MOHICAN , TOP ROW, Prock (sponsor), Woodruff (sponsor), Boker, BenBower, Broderhousen, Burrow, Cone, Davis, Fowler, Fronk. SECOND Frazier, Fuller, Garner, Harris, Hite, Hodnett, H. Howard, J. Howell, Isom, Ivey. THIRD ROW: Killen, lamb, lee, lorenz, ",-"","<,0, McKenzie, Moddox, Miller, Moss, Murphee, New. FOURTH MOHICAN Snoopy and Red Baron battle throughout pledging activities One's first impression during pledge week might have been "Indians to the right of me, Indians to the left of me," Closer inspection, however, would have revealed these lowly pledges to be none other than Mohican prospects posing as either Snoopy or the Red Baron, As a climax to this eventful week, twenty hard-working braves were given the pleasure of cleaning the lily pond, Western attire, an open fire and entertainment provided by Bob Shelton, Drew Fuller and comedian Jim Davis rounded out an evening of fun at the third function held at Wyldewood, At the Heritage House on March 17, the Mohicans and their dates enjoyed the entertainment of Randy and Scott, The unique theme of "Mohicans 1967" prevailed throughout the banquet. As a project, the members chose to install a board in the gym on which to keep football records, The annual spring outing at Blanchard Springs provided a day of rest for Mohican 's and their dates, OFFICERS. Howard, Big Chief; Moss, little Chief; lorenz, Scribe; Turner, Wampum Man: George Woodruff, Sponsor. ROW: Pennington, Plummer, D. Price, K, Price, Reinhordt , Romero, Ryland, Shue, Simpkins, Simmons, D. Sinquefield, FIFTH.ROW: R. Sinquefield, Stone, Storey, Street, Terrell, Turner, Wolker , B. West, T, West, Williams, Woodruff. 171