1966-1967 Yearbook

KOINONIA Beatniks 'bop' to Wyldewood for Koinonia third function The fellowship signified by its Greek name is truly characteristic of Koinonia social club, and its members will agree that their associations and activities together have generated many la sting memories and friendships. For their third function the bea tniks flocked to their " pad" out at Wyldewood for an evening of chile, hot dogs, music and relaxation in November. Red candles, candy hearts, long-s temmed r ed roses: these all added to the romantic atmosphere of "Hearts and Roses." Following a buffet-style meal, Dr. Richard Walker reminisced about his experiences at Harding. Spring found Koinonia's and their dates on their way to a nearby resort area for a day of r es t and frolic away from campus. OFFICERS. FAll, Tucker , Pres.; Eldridge, Vice-Pres.;Howell, Sec.-Treas. SPRI NG: Eldridge, Pre s.; Ailes, Vice· Pres.; Groves, Sec.· Treas.; Richa rd Walker, Sponsor. KOINONIA. TOP ROW: Walker (sponsor), Ailes, Alexander, Bashaw, Boothe. SECOND ROW: Bowden, Butler, CampbelJ, Clark, Croyton. THIRD ROW: Curtis, Duncan, Eldridge, Erskine. Falwell. FOURTH ROW, Ford, Frazier, Gilbert, Gingerich, Grant, Grove. FIFTH ROW, Hogan , Hogg . Howell, Hutchison, Mahon, Morrow. SIXTH ROW: Patrick, Pearce, Peebles, Reeves, Rutledge, Smith. SEVENTH ROD: Stevenson, Tacker, Thomas, Waters, White, Wise. Wilson and Bruce Howell seem quite willing to offer advice on bowling techniques Guy Grove as he endeovors to raise the score for Koinonia in club bowling competition. Club Queen Mary Beth Pa rks 169