1966-1967 Yearbook

KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA Outdoor fun facilities provide setting for autumn stag outing From the first stag outmg at the beginning of the school year until the final spring outing at the close of the year, the Kappa Sig's were busily en - gaged in club activities. Pledges were warmly welcomed by old members, but on ly after several miles of walking blindfolded through mud-filled ditches and devouring such home made deli cacies as lard sandwiches and raw eggs. March 11 found the Kappa Sig's and their dates enjoying the luxury of the Red Apple Inn in Heber Springs for their annual formal banquet. Entertainment was provided by several boys on guitars. Filled wi th spring fever, and forsaking all books, the members took to the wide open spaces for their traditional outing. OFFICERS. CulbreaTh, Pres.; Milton, Vice.Pres.; Roberts, Sec.-Treas.; Van Alessandro, Sponsor. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA . TOP ROW, Alessandro {sponsorj, Borber, Belue, Bryant , Carey. SECOND ROW: Chapman, Cl ifton, Coates, Culbreath, Eosterling. THIRD ROW: Green, Harpole, layne, Mort in, McDonald. FOURTH ROW: Milton, Moore, Northam, Pruitt, Roberts, Rubio. 168 Club Queen Sandy Rolen KAPPA Sigma Kappo 's Glenn Borber and Gary McDonald promote enthusiastic school spirit prior to the annual Bison Homecoming game. tJ-JJP[ Ot T