1966-1967 Yearbook

of Delta Iota, Archie Brown, Poul Pitt ond Bruce Phillips pre· club queen Sherry Hunt 0 gold pend~nt as 0 token of app recia tion. IOTA. TOP ROW: Hughes !sponsor], Ashbrooks, Brown. SECOND Greer. McDaniel , Ph ill ips, Pill . DELTA IOTA Wyldewood chile supper Cl ub Queen Sherry Hunt chosen for stag and sleep out Working together on projects, parties and numerous outings comprised a year of varied activities for the Delta Iota 's. Although the club is smaller than most on the Harding College campus, the spirit is still there and they continue to perticipate actively in the varied phases of club life. Their enthusiasm as a club working together was demonstrated by their full cooperation as they participated in the dolly and toy drive held during the pre-Christmas season. These toys and dollies are sent to various orphan homes. With the approaching of pledge week, the Delta Iota 's plotted conspiracies for pledges as ",arly as a September stag outing. Following pledge week, the members elected Miss Sherry Hunt as their queen and Petit Jean queen nominee for the present school year. To demonstrate their appreciation for her loyal support, representation and varied baked delacacies, the members of Delta Iota presented Miss Hunt with a fourteen-carat-gold pearl necklace. The final club function was an outing to a nearby resort area where thoughts of school were forgotten momentarily and the Delta Iota 's and their dates enjoyed a day of rest. OFF ICERS. FAll : Pitt, Pres.; Brown , Vi ce -Pres.; Phil lips, Sec.- Trea s. SPR ING: Phillips, Pres.; Greer, Vice·Pres .; Brown , Sec.- Treos.; Norman Hughes , Sponsor. 165