CHI SIGMA ALPHA . TOP ROW: Anderson (sponsor), Moore (sponsor), Borclay, Barron, Bawcom, Bridges, D. Brawn, G. Brawn, Chitty, Clark. SECOND ROW: Daniel, Douglas, Davis, Dixon, Fox, Hannah, Hill, Houtz, CHI SIGMA ALPHA Christmas spirited Chi Sig's harmonize for serenade fun "Corne as your favor ite character" was the cry of Ch i Sig's as they invited their dates to attend their third function which was held at Little I ndi an Creek ncar Sear cy, Chi Sig' s and their dates came dressed in various attires, from Joel Ander son as Imperi al \'Vi zard of th e Ku Klux Klan and Carol Prucha as Bridgette Bardot, to the Red Baron and Phyllis Diller. "Jingle Bells, jingle bells," and varied other Christmas tun es were furni shed by the club member s as they ser enaded the girls' dormi tories during the yule season. The spring semes ter inclu ded such activities as a chapel program and an all day excursion to a national park area. OFFICERS . Dixon, Pres,; Miller, Vice-Pres.; Hannah, Sec.; Thorn, Trees.; Joel Anderson and Erie T. Moore, Sponsors, 164 Jackson, Keesling. THIRD ROW, Kelley, Kite, Logston, Lowry, McMullen, Marchbanks, C. Miller, M. Miller, Milligan , Moore, FOURTH ROW: Oswald, B. Parker, C. Porker, Partezana , Roland , Ruttledge , Safely, Sm ith, Thomason , Thorn . THE Chi Sig ' s, assisted by the night watchman, mode the pre-Christmas test week a bit happier by singing Christmas carols to the gi rls. Club Queen Sherry Balthro p ----------