1966-1967 Yearbook

ALPHA PHI KAPPA APK 'Girl of the Year' chosen at pledgemasters tea party " Some day I'll be initiated, and then I'll be apprecia ted," was a thou ght which most of the pledges kept uppermost in their minds during tha t trying week of pledging. Miraculously, all 18 of APK's pledges survived the ordeal and all came up to club standards eventually. The week was climaxed wh en the over -worked pledges h onored th e old members with a " tea party." It was on this occasion tha t pledge J er ry Sawyer was awarded the title of APK "Girl of the Year ." Food cooked over an open fire, a few games and much fun ch arac teri zed th e APK's third fun ction which was h eld a t Wyldewood in the early fa ll . Although the wea ther was chilly, and the w ind a bit sharp, spirits ran high and the evening proved to be a success. Earl y March se t the time of th e annual banquet which was h eld a t the Augusta Inn . Dinner music by Ken Tillman and entertainment by a club trio rounded out the ni ght's activities . Queen Judy Johnson found h er way to th e club members' h earts with h er cookies, cakes and loyal support of club activities. OFfICE~S . Smith, Pres.; Collins, Vice-Pres.; Jernigan, Sec.; Medley, Treas.; Billy Roy Cox, Sponsor. ALPHA PHI KAPPA . TOP ROW, Cox (sponsor) Brown, Bruff, Buck. SECOND ROW: Condie, Collins, D. Cruce. T. Cruce. THIRD ROW, Delcet, Flippen, Gordner, Goss, Green. FOURTH ROW: Hollis, Jernigan, McKeel, Mortin, Medley. FIFTH ROW, Moore, Russell, Sandlin, Sawyer, Schenk. SIXTH ROW, G. Smith, K. Smith, Vonderslive, Whiddon, Young. HANDS and eyes are centered on fhe ball as APK's try to gain possession of the ball. Club Queen Judy Johnson