1966-1967 Yearbook

The Big Sisters for 1966-67 were selected in the ,pring of 1966 upon the basis of interest, citizenship and personality. During- the summer these 36 girls corresponded with new students, both fresh - man and transfer. At the opening of the fall semester they helped each g- irl feel at home and assisted in orienting new girls to the Harding environment. At Christmas th e Big Sisters helped with the dorm decora tions and directed the dorm parties. The Women 's Interclub Council was composed of representatives from each of the girls' social clubs. The council directed the open house activities to acquaint new girls with the various social clubs, di scussed club problems and adopted policies for club outings and banquets. The Circle K Club, the college affiliate of Kiwanis International, operated the concession stand at the home football games. A plaque was presented by the Searcy Kiwanis Club to the club member achiev ing the highest academic average. Through the generosity of Miss Grace Wells, an alumna of Galloway College that formerly occupied th e Harding campus, certain outstanding girls who need financial assistance receive a scholarship. The recipients of this g-enerosity constitute the Grace Wells Club. SERVICE CLUBS CIRCLE K. FRONT ROW: Berry, Joe Lunsford. SECOND ROW: Jim lunsford, Parkhurst. THIRD ROW: Mullen. Those who help exhibit willingness to serve BIG SISTERS. FRONT ROW: Penix, Toylor, Barrett, B~:r'd, Davison, Wilhite, Hol', Bell. SECOND ROW: Adair, Boll, Norris, Mauck, Smith, Sondley, Auft, 156 Cray, Rogers, Cook. THIRD ROW: Parks, McClaren, Rolen, Greenway, Delong, Forrest, Rice, Ashley, Columbus. Focks.