1966-1967 Yearbook

Fitzpatrick, Driver, Frede rick, Crain, Hallimore , Magnusson, Stone, West, Watts. beliefs spur ••I"'N STUDIES. FRONT ROW. Byrd, Jackson, Wildman, Neely, Taylor, Sf :OND ROW: Wooley, Columbus, Anderson, Humphreys, Wat. WOlf, Jackson, Hogue, Chambliss, O·Neal. THIRD ROW: Gibbs, The American Studies Program at Harding College is designed to develop a better understanding of and appreciation for th e American way of life and to train young men and women for leadership careers in business, public affairs and education. Studen ts majoring in th e areas of social science, business and education are eligible for the program if they maintain a 3.0 average. Meetings were held bimonthly this year to study the theme. "America 's Challenges and Respon ses." Speakers at these meetings included recogn ized men from education, government and business. Highlights of the year were the two ex tended study trips - to New Orleans and to St. Loui s. Phi Alpha Theta, a na tional history society, recognized students who had achieved an excellent record in a minimum of 12 hours of hi story. The Young Republicans and the Young Democrats took an active interes t in the fall semester in the state gubernatorial campaign. A mock election on campus in the early fall gave the successful Republican candidate, Winthrop Rockefeller, a landslide victory. A chapter of Young Amer icans for Freedom was organized in the sp ring. students I participation Parrish, Petfigrew, Culp, lay, lowry, Taylor, Johnson, Cox {sponsor). FOURTH ROW, Zorbough, Vanderpool, lorenz, Young, Venable, Homplon, Carler, Work, Walker (sponsor), Bond. 149