1966-1967 Yearbook

_"".N CLUB. FRONT ROW: Moore, Curd , Timme rman . SECOND ROW: Cloy,. Crenshaw. THIRD ROW: Coston, Craig, Keller. REUG/OUS GROUPS ENTERTAINING members of the Timothy Club at their annual spring banquet, Evangelist Wyatt Sawyer speaks on the life of a preacher. Members strive to spread Christianity abroad !MnITlAUAN CLUB. FRONT ROW: Vaughn, Forrest. SECOND ROW, Allison, THIIW ROW: Mills, Cope, Barr. "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," the charge that Christ gave his di sc iples almost two thousa nd years ago, is still the charge that motivates dedicated Christians today. Harding graduates can be found in many countries of the world as well as in all parts of the United States telling people about Christ and his love for them. Various religious groups on the Harding campus provide instruction to those who are inter ested in specia I areas of Christian service. The Timothy Club, sponsored this year by Conard Hays and Jerry Jon es of the Bible faculty, is an organization primarily for Bible majors and student preachers. The weekly meetings consisted of lectures on various doctrinal questions and practical problems. A highlight of th e year was the trip to the Graduate School of Religion in Memphis, Tennessee, where more than 100 graduate students were enrolled this year. The various mission clubs concentrate on special problems faced by the missionary in a given area. Interest in meetings is stimula ted by having visits from missionaries horne on furlough or by having taped recordings from missionaries on the field. Many I-larding students are now in Africa as missionaries while other ones serve in Europe, Australia, and the Far East. 137